Tuesday, July 31, 2018


As promised, here are the three Other Day columns I wrote for the newspaper in the 1980s.

I hope you enjoy them.


Over the past several months, I have been going through paperwork and family photos. I would like to say I am organizing everything, but, it appears I am making a mess.  How does that saying go? "You have to make a mess to clean a mess." Well, then I must be succeeding because I've created a shambles. 😄

Today I came across a few Other Day columns I wrote for the local newspaper back in the 1980s. Unfortunately, I didn't keep any of the others I wrote. 

I still work for The Daily News. As a matter of fact, my 44 year anniversary is this Sunday (Aug. 5).

Finding - and reading - the columns is a fun way to celebrate my TDN anniversary and I decided to share them here. 

The three notices below are from when I was promoted to TV Times Editor, a job I had for 16 years, from 1983 to 1999. When TDN was sold to Howard Publications, the company decided to change the book from listings to a grid provided by a service. It was at that time I was named Community News Editor and was in charge of a team of five who handled obituaries, weddings, engagements, events, calendars, processed letters to the editor, picked up and processed some court records, archived the daily newspaper (back then we had a full-time librarian), and one teammate wrote stories about people for the Community pages. We published a column titled "People and Their Wheels," which was very popular for many years. Our team also was on the frontline. They were the first people customers talked to when they came to the newsroom. We produced the People column, processed Thanks to You letters, produced a Military News column and much more.

Oops, I am starting to digress. Here are the articles.

The next one I had to take two photos of so it would fit here and still be readable. It was written by my supervisor at the time, Bob Gaston.

And this is an Other Day column I wrote about being the TV Times Editor. Other Day columns were personal columns written by staff members. They were extremely popular. Readers enjoyed getting to know us through these columns. Check out my hair … it is in a bun. 

In another blog post will be the other three I found. 😍